Executive Consulting
The behavior of leaders directly impacts business results. A common factor shared by influential people is a high level of emotional intelligence. For some, it comes naturally and for others it can be grown. Emotional intelligence confers a significant performance advantage amongst managers. In fact, emotional intelligence is far more important than cognitive ability in predicting outstanding performance. Studies show that emotional and social intelligence accounts for more than 85 per cent of “star performance” in top leaders (Daniel Goleman and HayGroup).
The goal of executive consulting and coaching is to increase ones awareness of self, others, and organizations/systems that we are a part of. It is about mastering our capacity to perceive, express, understand and manage our own behaviors and emotions and to respond effectively. Whether you are looking to be a more effective leader, advance your career, grow your business or reach professional or personal goals (to include establishing confidence and executive presence, sustainable healthy work habits, achieving peak performance while avoiding burnout, solidifying a positive mindset for success or improving relational and emotional intelligence), an executive coach can help.